Penha Longa Catering
Where genuine hospitality merges with the magic of a city or natural landscape!

Privacy Policy

Caesar Park Hotel Portugal, S.A. – Sede Social Quinta da Penha Longa, Estrada da Lagoa Azul, Linhó, 2714-511 Sintra, are the entities responsible for the processing of personal data for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy applies to data that have been directly provided by the user or collected during the user’s access to the Penha Longa Resort website.

These “Terms and Conditions” apply to Users or anyone browsing any of the Penha Longa Resort publications websites.


This document is intended to clarify the users of our online platform with respect to the data we collect about them, the reason for the collection, and the options we make available to the holders of such data to access, correct or delete the information.

Our Websites contain links to third party websites and content that are not the subject of this “Privacy Policy”, so we advise that whenever you browse these websites, you should look for and read the relevant “Privacy Policies” as well as the “Terms and Conditions” applicable.


Penha Longa Resort collects data about the holders when they access the Website and through the use of Cookies.

Because the security and privacy of the data assume a high importance for Penha Longa Resort, the collection and processing of the data are always made after a consent has been given by the holder thereof.


When a user registers on the website they are requested a set of data, namely, email, password, nickname, name, surname, date of birth, gender, zip code. This information is essential to guarantee the registration process and provide a personalized service, with the degree of exigency and thoroughness that Penha Longa Resort intends to provide to its customers.


Penha Longa Resort obtains technical information from the user’s device whenever they visit the Website. Information is obtained through the Internet browser and refers to the IP address, operating system and Internet search engine used, screen resolution and reference websites.


When a user accesses the Penha Longa Resort website using a social network log-in, they are allowing the social network to share some of their data (name, profile picture, email address, date of birth and location) with the Penha Longa Resort. During the log-in process you can choose which information you want to share with Penha Longa Resort.


Cookies are text files sent by websites visited by users that can be stored on your computer or smartphone when you visit one of our Websites for the first time and that allow us to identify your device the next time you visit one of our Websites. As such, Cookies do not identify the user, but only the computer used. This will allow us to improve your browsing experience, for example by helping us to associate your equipment with your preferences or to provide you with content that we believe may be of interest to you.

Cookies collect only general information, such as how you arrived at our Websites and how you browse the website (for example, your mouse movements within the page and mouse clicks), but does not collect information about the user.

Penha Longa Resort uses three types of cookies:

  • Simple Cookies: These cookies are required for Websites to operate efficiently, they log the user’s path during their visit without identifying them, and are automatically deleted when they leave our Website.
  • Persistent Cookies: These cookies are not essential to the operation of Websites, but they allow users to be identified whenever they access pages, thus optimizing their browsing experience. With these cookies the user is given a unique number that identifies them when they enter the Penha Longa Resort website. Persistent cookies remain on the computer until they are deleted by the user.
  • Other cookies or third party cookies: other companies and services use our website for advertising purposes. You may occasionally receive cookies sent by these companies/services. We have no control whatsoever over the sending of these cookies.

Both simple and persistent cookies can be used in the emails we send. Users may at any time delete or block the receipt of cookies. Most web browsers allow you to set personal preferences for cookies. The way this process is done depends on the web browser you use. Please refer to the “Help” function of your web browser. If you choose not to allow the use of simple cookies, you may not be able to use our websites or certain features of our HTML email messages.


We use the information we collect in order to:

  • Optimize user’s visit to our websites;
  • Correspond to requests from users, namely to send newsletters and information about our services;
  • Obtain statistics on navigation data, which will be pseudonymised;
  • Provide, maintain, protect and improve our services or develop new ones;
  • Guarantee the exercise of the rights of data subjects;
  • Allow us to offer you personalized content, such as ads and search results that we believe may be of interest to you;
  • Conduct contests and competitions or offer you promotions;
  • If you have authorized us to do so, we will share your information with third parties that can provide you with products or services that we believe may be of interest to you;
  • Monitor compliance with our “Terms and Conditions”;
  • Improve the browsing experience of the user and the overall quality of our services, through information collected by Cookies and other technologies such as pixel labels;
  • We also use the information in aggregate form, thus preventing the identification of the users of our Websites, in order to:
  • Create marketing profiles;
  • Assist the strategic development of our communication;
  • Manage our relationships and commitments with advertisers;
  • Audit the use of our Websites.

We will request your express consent before using the information for purposes other than those expressly set out in this Privacy Policy.

We do not share personal information with companies, entities and individuals external to Penha Longa Resort, except when required by law or court order, or if we are given an express authorization to do so by the data holder, in which case we will first tell you what the recipient entity of the information is and the reason for the transmission.


You have the right to access, update, correct, eliminate, limit and oppose to the processing of your data.

Using the same means, you may at any time withdraw the consent you have given for the processing of your personal data, without that affecting the legality of the processing hitherto carried out, based on the consent you have previously provided.

You also have the right to file a complaint regarding the processing of your data with the Portuguese National Commission for Data Protection (CNPD).


All data provided to us or collected by us in accordance with this Privacy Policy will be immediately erased or anonymised as soon as they are no longer necessary for compliance with legal obligations or for the performance or provision of our services.


In order to provide an efficient service, Penha Longa Resort may occasionally transfer data to other companies within or outside Europe. These transfers will be carried out in accordance with the law and our privacy policy remains fully applicable, namely with respect to compliance with security measures, which guarantees the confidentiality of the data.


Penha Longa Resort reserves the right to change its Privacy Policy, so we encourage you to read this document regularly as well as the Terms and Conditions of our Websites.